On Disc 2 in The Legend of Dragoon while you’re aboard the Queen Fury The Phantom Ship will ram into the boat. After boarding the Phantom Ship you’ll discover a chest that requires a three number combination to open . it offers the chance to try 10 times in order to unlock it. The number combination is random and will change between games and during the game. It’s impossible of “cheat” the system, even when you’re playing Save States it’s no picnic.
When you have successfully opened the chest, it will shut and then fill with more treasure. It will repeat the process multiple times, so it’s worth taking some time learning how to open it. There’s also some excellent loot you can collect from this chest, such as it’s Ultimate Wargod Talisman which will automatically complete your additions! Below is a list of the items you can obtain:
10 Tries: Stun Guard (Prevents Confusion)
8 Tries Left: Panic Guard (Prevents Stun)
6 Tries Left: Magic Ego Bell (Prevents Bewitchment)
4 Tries Left: Talisman (Prevents Instant Death)
2 Tries Left: Ultimate Wargod (Automatically Completes Additions)
Anything Lower: 100G
The method of distributing prizes is somewhat strange. It will “count” how many times you fail to open the chest and will then store it in your memory between attempts. If you fail to open the chest four times in the first attempt when you attempt to unlock it, it will receive a total of six attempts the next time. You’ll fail 4 times the second time , and the third time you’ll get two attempts.
If you type in the correct number at the correct spot, then your effort won’t be considered an unsuccessful attempt. The only way to count as a fail is in the event that you input all of the correct numbers in the wrong location. This means that for you to obtain an Ultimate Wargod item you’ll need to fail the chest 8 times before you can open it.
Now comes the difficult part of actually solving the puzzle! Here’s the way the Password is used to access to open the Treasure Chest on the Phantom Ship.
Four numbers are assigned to you with each password.
Three of them are actually being used
If you enter the correct number in the correct place, it’ll show the message “…” after you’ve tried to solve the puzzle. A good example of this can be seen in the screen shot below.
To make the process easier to comprehend I’ve provided 3 examples of numbers that I received from ghosts as well as the reasoning I employed to solve the puzzle every one of the times. If you follow the same method I used below , you’ll be in a position to get the puzzle solved quickly every time and earn the Ultimate Wargod like I did!
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Example 1
My phone number is 0279
– Begin at the beginning with the number every time, in my case, I did the following: 0 0
– It came back “…” after which I attempted 0-2-8, but neither was correct, but thanks to the entry that was last. zero 0 0, I am confident it is one zeros is the correct one.
– I now try 2 0 8. Like the previous attempt prior to it, none one of these numbers is right. I know the correct place for zero, however. Due to previous tests and mistakes I have now learned it is a variant of XX0 , with zero at the end position.
Now, I attempt 2 2 8 but none of the numbers are accurate. I know now that 2 is that is not being used as one of the two numbers could have been correct if it were.
Now, I attempt 7 2 8 but I get nothing. It now says that the answer is 9 7 0. How can I tell this? Since those numbers (9 and 7) are required been used, and, based on our last attempt, we can conclude that the second place is where the number 7 will go and the only number that could fill in the first place is 9.
Example 2
My number My numbers are 1146
I begin with the number 4 4 4 to determine whether the number is a fake, or if one of the 4s was right.
I attempt 4 zero 0 and it tells me the number is located in the right position Lucky!
Then I attempt 3 1 5. It indicates that one number is correctly yet again, which tells me my numbers are 41 X.
Two 1s, I attempt 4 1 1 . The chest is opened for me. I’m quite luck this time.
Example 3
My number My numbers are 2729
Start with the numbers 7 7 7, and it indicates that either one number will be right.
Try the combo 7 8 8. It shows me that all the numbers are incorrect and tells me that 7 is not in the correct position.
I test the combination of 6/7/8 and it provides me with the “…” signal it is in the right position.
Then I try the combo 2 8 8 and it informs I that the correct number is i.e. that the two numbers are. The combination gives me two possibilities. It could be either 2,7 2 or 7 9.
I roll the dice , and attempt 2 7 2. However, it doesn’t work , which means that my password will be 2 9.Restoring Dragoon power
Make sure you save your Dragoon power to be used by the Bosses.
Be aware that when you fighting Lloyd as well as the Divine Dragon Do not change into an Dragoon. Should you attempt to do so, they’ll do additional damage. You can only you can have Meru or Miranda transform to help your party. But, you can only transform if they have at least 100 SP (Dragoon gauge is 1).
More healing per turn
You can equip the Dragon Helm alongside The Therapy Ring. It is the Dragon Helmet increases your maximum HP by 50%. Additionally, it is the Therapy Ring restores your HP every turn by 10%..
It is not a product
Run into a battle. You must kill all the enemies (except one you choose to kill It is recommended to hold the weaker opponent until the final battle). Be sure to protect yourself until you’re completely recovered.
If you encounter an opponent who has a physical barrier to attack. After that, you must guard for as many times as you need to be healed.
Easy Healing Rains
You can buy the number of Healing Rains as you need in disc 1. They cost 600 coins. Visit the mini-games area in Lohnda and speak to the person that sells tickets. Continue to ask him ticket for 10, until you’ve 60. Talk to him again and insist on him swapping tickets to win prizes. Select “Healing Rain”. You can repeat this in as many times as you need until there are 600 dollars.
Easy Recovery Balls
Within the Death Frontier, fight the Cactuses which appear throughout the landscape. If you can beat these creatures, often than not, they will offer you one Recovery Ball and/or two. The Cacti close to the wall in the second entrance (before that first one) will be guaranteed to give you five and a Free Recovery Ball.
Status restoration
If someone is scared and you want to use them to change into an Dragoon to alleviate the situation. Make sure that you have every player who has Maximum SP alive. If there’s a person who can’t move (make an turn) then just press”Special” “Special” command and the negative status will be fixed.
Restore HP and MP
If you’re injured then stay in the hospital. The hospital will replenish your HP as well as MP.
More MP
If you’ve got a character who has strong magic skills but no MP, you should equip your character with the Magic Hat. It grants you 50 percent more MP.
Save faster
If you are required to stop the play but don’t know where the nearest location to save is, consult the guide to fields and click [Triangleto]. “Save” will be highlighted “Save” will be highlighted. Click it, and you’ll be able save a more quickly.
It’s very difficult to come across decent quantities of gold during battle or in the midst of the ground (especially in the event that you wish to purchase things like The Legend Casque or Ultimate Wargod). The most efficient place to get gold is The Home of Gigantos. The enemy here drops approximately 50 gold each battle and provide an average amount of encounters. Keep fighting until you reach your required amount of gold.
You can get a special
There are three Dragoons in your group and their SP meters blinking. In this case each member of the party will see a Ying Yang at the bottom of the screen. You can decide what you would like to do at the moment.
Additions that switch
Don’t switch between to different additions constantly,. You can find the one you’re currently on more powerful and with more SP.
To unlock the final version for all characters, with the exception of Miranda and Shana master the earlier ones. They will then be given their master combo of 7 hits. They typically gain SP over 100 and damage of over 400%.
A better addition
If you’re in battle (battle) Press [R2] to switch your view to allow you to see the image in the manner you believe it will help you make a good addition.
Accessing additions is simpler
The most important thing to do when trying to land your combos by adding them up is pressing [X] after the box changes to gray. If you can do that, it’ll be perfect and you will be able to do much more harm to adversaries. If you’re too slow and sluggish, you’ll do less damage. Make sure to stick with the additions you are able to learn, like Dart’s Volcano attack. If you’re looking to practice hitting the combos and learning about the new additions Try to take on opponents in the older parts of the game to give give you an edge over the other players.
Simple method to master new additions
Visit the Forest close to Seles. Visit the area in which the Merchant was (with tiny rabbits) and go around. The fights can be fought quickly in this area , and your foes are simple to take down.
When you face an opponent who has “Physical Attack Barrier”, you can upgrade your upgrades without taking out the opponent. After the barrier has disappeared you must wait for it make use of the barrier again. After that, you’ll be able to make your additions more level.
To master the art of addition to master all additions, explore the globe map. This is the quickest method to locate enemies.
Within the Valley of the Corrupted Valley Before you take on in the Virage 2 battle, make sure you go to the area where the Save Point is located near the statue of the Virage. This is the best place to boost your abilities. Most fights feature one of the opponents as the Spider Urchin. This type of enemy usually uses the physical barrier to attack. If he does, you are able to use your additionals against him and he will not be killed. You’ll still receive SP and level-ups in exchange for the addition.
Combat with the Aqua King within the beautiful Aglis city. Aglis. He is a physical barrier. Utilize your additional strategies after which. If he is using another attack, simply be aware. Do this repeatedly until you can master the additions quickly.
After you have defeated Lloyd After overcoming Lloyd, go on the path or teleporter in the direction to your right the place you went to take on Lloyd. When you reach the spot the wizard will appear and inform you that you are not allowed to go through and tells you to remain back. Move closer and you will see him again, and confront you. Take note that he can use tough moves, be aware. If you are able to land an all-out addition against this opponent, your new level will be masterfully achieved at your leisure.
The person in the gun shop in Lohan offers Ultimate Wargod Amulets. You can buy enough for just your guests. The amulets are priced at 10,000 each. While this is a large sum to spend, the additional benefits will be repaid. Additionally, your new expansions will be stronger and aid in defeating Bosses.
When you’re fighting and you are fighting, press [R2] button to alter the camera’s angle so that you can see the photo to make a more effective choice.
Just before your character is about to swing their weapon immediately before they swing it, press [Ximmediately prior to your character swinging their weapon ([Circlefor counter) and they’ll complete the task. If you choose to use someone who can do it quickly and quickly, you must be watching both the player and box.
Every character shouts before attacking. Make sure to press [X] as soon as they shout to ensure that the correct timing.
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